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Messy breakfast

May 1, 2012

This morning I set up a picture perfect yogurt parfait with blackberries and mango slices arranged in a kind of star pattern. I snapped a few pics, then added some granola and stirred it up, and I thought the messy version was so much more beautiful…


In the same vein, I did what felt like a massive spring cleaning of my apartment on Sunday, and was quite proud of all the organizing, purging, scrubbing and mopping (that’s when you know it’s serious!!) But when I came back from a little walk, it felt like something was missing, and for a moment I mourned the loss of those piles of papers and books that had caused me grief, and even the dust bunnies 😉

Sometimes when I’m waiting for the train on the subway platform, I try to find the most interesting visual element – the pattern of the paint peeling from the ceiling, the random marks on walls where water has trickled down, a stalactite forming in our urban cave… I think it’s important to be able to find the seed of beauty or unique element in everything we see and experience, no matter how momentous or insignificant it may seem, and to give it it’s own little bit of honor. And when this seems the hardest is probably when we need to practice it the most… Have a nice (and messy) Tuesday!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. kate permalink
    May 1, 2012 9:44 am

    oh G…a good one. i love those stalactites, though they simultaneously gross me out! i think i am in awe of their fortitude. i too, mourn, the loss of papers.

    • June 9, 2012 8:38 pm

      I already have piles forming in their place… The circle of life continues 😉

  2. May 1, 2012 11:16 am

    Good pairing on this moody international Labor Day 🙂

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